Know your personal risk for cancer with genetic testing

If you think you may be at high risk for cancer based on an individual or family history, genetic testing for cancer can help. The team at Ellis can help you understand your personal risk for cancer through compassionate and confidential testing. About 90 percent of cancer cases happen by chance, without any inherited risk factors. But one out of 10 people with cancer inherited genes that increase their risk for cancer. Genetic screening can help these people take steps to reduce their risk of dying from cancer.

You might benefit from genetic testing if:

  • You have multiple family members with the same type of cancer.
  • You have a family member who was diagnosed with cancer before age 50.
  • You have a family member with rare cancer, such as male breast cancer.
  • You know of a cancer gene mutation (like BRCA1 and BRCA2) in your family.
If you are interested in genetic testing
for cancer, the team at Ellis Medicine can help you figure out if it’s right for you.

Understanding the BRCA genes

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are important cancer-fighting genes. When they function normally, the BRCA genes can help keep tumors from forming.

We all have BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Only some of us have mutations in these genes. For the small number of people who have BRCA gene mutations, most are inherited or passed down from one or more generations in families.

BRCA1 mutations are associated with an increased risk for:

  • Breast cancer, including Triple Negative Breast Cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer

BRCA2 mutations are associated with an increased risk for:

  • Breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer

You can undergo genetic testing to check for gene changes related to many different types of cancer, like breast cancer or colon cancer. While these tests can confirm an inherited risk of cancer, they don’t mean you will definitely develop cancer. Your doctor can help you understand your results and give you different options for reducing your risk for cancer.

The only way to know if you have an inherited gene mutation is to have genetic testing done.

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