Regular breast cancer screenings save lives

Mammography—an X-ray of your breast—is the best screening tool for breast cancer. Thanks to regular mammography, more women can catch their breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat. It’s the best way to reduce your risk of dying from breast cancer—reducing your risk by 30 to 50%.

Ellis Medicine recommends that women:

  • Age 40 and older: start having a mammogram every year along with your clinical exam and breast cancer screening.
  • Younger than age 40: talk to your doctor about risk factors for breast cancer and your medical and family history to determine when to start having annual mammograms. If you have a family history of breast cancer, you’ll likely need to start early.

You might also benefit from genetic testing, which can identify genes that put you at higher risk of breast cancer. Your doctor can help you understand your results and discuss options for reducing your risk for cancer.

Know Your Risk
Genetic testing for cancer.

Mammograms for All Women

At Ellis Medicine and Bellevue Woman’s Center, we are dedicated to helping all women reduce their risk of dying from breast cancer. That’s why we offer free mammograms to uninsured and underinsured women at all our mammography locations.

Our digital mammography allows radiologists to get a closer look at any areas of the breast tissue. Combined with computer-assisted detection capability, digital mammography helps us diagnose cancer at an earlier stage so women can undergo less treatment for excellent outcomes.

Live-Saving Cancer Care, nearby in your community.

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